Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2017 (NSC)


Case Assessment

  1. What is Boko Haram? Why is the group considered a threat to Nigerian, West African, and possibly U.S. security?
  2. What is the Leahy Amendment? How should this affect the policy decision in this case?
  3. What factors have shaped Nigerian politics? How have Nigerian politics evolved over time?
  4. What are the main characteristics of Nigeria’s economy? What is the role of oil in particular?
  5. What are the major criticisms of the ways in which Nigeria has sought to fight Boko Haram? 

NSC Assessment

  1. What are the four categories of tools available to U.S. leaders crafting foreign policy, and what is the range of specific tools in each?
  2. What is the interagency process and how is it related to the NSC system? 
  3. What are the various committees in the NSC system and how do they interact to drive U.S. policymaking and implementation?
  4. What are the responsibilities of the national security advisor (NSA)? 
  5. What are the major departments and agencies involved in the U.S. national security and foreign policy–making process? What are their responsibilities? 

Writing Assignments

Each CFR Education simulation involves writing assignments that help students think through policy options and reflect on their learning experience.

In NSC cases, there are three types of writing assignments.

  • Before the role-play, everyone but the president writes a position memo.
  • After the role-play, the president writes a presidential directive.
  • As part of the wrap-up, everyone writes a written reflection.

Simulations (on the student-facing side) have instructions for written assignments, and samples for each of these writing exercises. You can also find sample rubrics below.






Below are sample rubrics for your use in assessing the writing students will do as part of this simulation.

These are single-point rubrics. Jennifer Gonzalez, who writes the blog Cult of Pedagogy, has a great explainer, but the bottom line is that single-point rubrics are relatively easy for students to digest but still have all the advantages of giving structure to instructors’ feedback.

NSC Position Memo Rubric


What needs improvement


What is expected


What is excellent


Subject and Background

  • Briefly explains the significance of the issue in the context of U.S. foreign policy
  • Clearly identifies the central question
  • Does not summarize the case



Objectives bullet points

  • Lists several objectives of the department the writer represents
  • Objectives are grounded in knowledge of the role of the department
  • Objectives help to shape the analysis of options described in the next section



Options and Analysis paragraphs

  • Lists all options mentioned in the case
  • Lists other potential options
  • Analysis considers advantages, disadvantages, and trade-offs



Recommendation and Justification paragraphs

  • Clearly identifies a preferred option or options
  • Supports the choice with appropriate analysis
  • Explains why other options are less preferable
  • Written with the president as the intended audience



NSC Presidential Directive Rubric


What needs improvement


What is expected


What is excellent



  • Provides context for the memo
  • Is succinct




  • Clearly states the decisions made
  • Explains the decisions convincingly
  • Details how to implement them



Communications strategy

  • Contains an effective strategy for relevant foreign governments
  • Contains an effective strategy for the public



NSC Written Reflection Rubric


What needs improvement


What is expected


What is excellent


Subject paragraph

  • Is brief
  • Places the issue in the larger context of U.S. foreign policy
  • Clearly states whether the writer agrees or disagrees with the president’s decision



Options and Analysis paragraph

  • Discusses each option that came up during the role-play in discrete paragraphs
  • Weighs the advantages and disadvantages of each option
  • If options from the position memo are discussed, those options contain additional analysis



Recommendation and Justification paragraph

  • Makes a clear recommendation based on the writer’s personal position
  • Supports the recommendation effectively



Reflection paragraph or paragraphs

  • Reflects on and critiques the president’s decision
  • Is written from a personal point of view, not that of the assigned role


Downloadable rubrics are available here: