What is CFR Education?
CFR Education aims to close the global literacy gap in our country by providing accessible, accurate, and authoritative resources that build the knowledge, skills, and perspective high school and higher education students need to understand and engage with today’s most pressing global issues. Leveraging best pedagogical practices and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) expertise, CFR Education’s supplemental resources teach complex global affairs and foreign policy issues to the next generation. Committed to supporting educators as they take on this crucial work, CFR Education offers two Ambassador programs, professional development events, and curated teaching resources, including lesson plans, essay and discussion questions, classroom activities, and sample syllabi.
What is global literacy?
Today’s interdependent global economy and geopolitical landscape connect America’s interests more than ever to the actions and interests of others. This is why it is critically important to strengthen American citizens’ global literacy. Global literacy comprises the knowledge, skills, and perspective needed to navigate today’s interconnected world. Learn more about global literacy here.
What is the Council on Foreign Relations?
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. Founded in 1921, CFR takes no institutional positions on matters of policy. Learn more about CFR here.
What is World101?
World101 from CFR Education is a collection of open educational multimedia resources on the fundamentals of international relations and foreign policy. Designed to help students understand the essential issues, forces, and actors that shape global affairs, CFR Education resources support educators with videos, charts, essays, and timelines that can easily be added to any part of a lesson plan or syllabi.
What are CFR Education Simulations?
CFR Education simulations (previously known as "Model Diplomacy") invite educators and their students to step into the roles of decision-makers on the U.S. National Security Council (NSC) or UN Security Council (UNSC). Simulations help students develop critical thinking, persuasive speaking and writing, and collaboration skills while giving them hands-on experience grappling with the challenges of addressing today’s most pressing global issues.
CFR Education’s diverse simulation library provides both extended and mini simulations, covering current, hypothetical, and historical scenarios. Extended simulations can be run for several days or weeks, giving students the option to dive into background readings, videos, and assignments to gain a deep understanding of the situation and their roles. The library of mini simulations comprises short case studies of historical and current events that require less time and preparation than extended simulations. Explore the simulation library to learn more.
What is Convene the Council?
Convene the Council, an online game developed in partnership with iCivics, prompts students to make decisions about foreign policy challenges faced by the leaders of fictional countries. Topics, which range from national security challenges to pandemic response, deforestation, and more, provide students aged twelve and up with an understanding of how U.S. foreign policy is made and how countries and international organizations can influence foreign policy priorities. Play the game to learn more.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is deeply grateful to the following members and foundations whose generous contributions supported the development of CFR’s innovative teaching and learning resources. If you would like to support this work, you can do so here.
- Altman/Kazickas Foundation
- Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss
- Jeffrey Bewkes
- Leon D. Black Family Fund
- Blavatnik Family Foundation
- Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Katherine A. Couric
- Steven A. Denning
- Diamonstein-Spielvogel Foundation
- Diana Lady Dougan
- Blair W. Effron
- Joel S. Ehrenkranz
- Evercore
- Stephen C. Friedheim
- Mark T. Gallogly
- James P. Gorman
- Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
- Marlene Hess
- Leonard A. Lauder
- Lumina Foundation
- Peter G. Peterson Fund
- Daniel Bruce Poneman
- Kimberly Kay Querrey
- Richard Ravitch
- E. John Rosenwald, Jr.
- David M. Rubenstein
- Robert E. Rubin
- Rockwell A. Schnabel
- Stephen A. Schwarzman
- Silicon Valley Community Foundation
- Starr Foundation
- Daniel Yergin
- James D. Zirin
We are grateful for the many generous donations that made CFR Education possible.