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Contemporary History World at War: Introduction
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to identify the main reasons why countries go to war.
Contemporary History World at War: Fascism and Communism
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to identify the key tenets of fascism and communism and identify how they contrast with democracy.
Contemporary History Post-1945: China
Grade Level
High School
- Students will learn how China’s transformation from a state of economic and political collapse to its rise as a global power shapes the motivations of its leaders today.
- Students will be able to analyze the key policies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Terrorism: Introduction
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to define the basic elements of terrorism including commonalities amongst terrorist groups as well as the use of the media to promote their ideology.
Terrorism: Confronting Terror
Grade Level
High School
- Students will identify how terrorism is defined as well as the basic methods used in counterterrorism.
- Students will analyze and present on how counterterrorism has evolved under various presidential administrations.
Contemporary History Pre-1900: Introduction
Grade Level
High School
- Students will understand that developments in public health have had profound effects on life today.
- Students will understand how the development of modern states has led to greater peace and stability.
LEH100: Freshman Seminar - Global Issues
Grade Level
This freshman seminar course will prepare students to learn, think about, and analyze a wide range of global issues taking place in today’s world.
GLS 200: Introduction to Global Issues
Grade Level
This course’s syllabus is designed to introduce students to various points of view on contemporary international issues.

U.S. History Mini Simulations
In this series of historical mini simulations, students step into the shoes of policymakers to advise the U.S. president on how to respond to major foreign policy moments in U.S. history.

False Dawn
In False Dawn, Steven A. Cook examines why Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and Turkey did not transition to democracy, explaining how and why Middle East uprisings didn’t succeed.