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Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2017 (UNSC)
Set in February 2017. A Boko Haram attack threatens the stability of Nigeria, as the country seeks international aid.

Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2017 (NSC)
Set in February 2017. A Boko Haram attack threatens the stability of Nigeria, as the country seeks U.S. aid.

Korean War in 1950 (UNSC)
Set in September 1950. Five years after World War II, conflict on the Korean Peninsula threatens the fragile post-war order.

NATO Enlargement in 1994 (NSC)
Set in January 1994. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, many former Soviet states express interest in joining NATO.

If You Will It: Rebuilding Jewish Peoplehood for the Twenty-First Century
If You Will It analyzes the problems facing the American Jewish community today, and describes the steps needed to rebuild a sense of peoplehood—of Jewish identity and common purpose. The relationship between American Jews and Israel is at the heart of this book.

Global Terrorism Trends
Explore terrorism trends through five data charts that help show the threat of terrorism around the world and how it has changed over time.
America’s Role in the World: World War I to World War II
Grade Level
High School
Students will be able to
- Analyze primary source documents
- Infer subtle messages from primary sources
- Summarize the meaning of primary sources
- Incorporate primary source materials in a scripted news conference
“The Spirit of Empire”: America Debates Imperialism
Grade Level
High School
Students will be able to
- Analyze primary sources
- Summarize the meaning of primary sources
- Infer subtle messages from primary sources
The Cold War as a Culture War: Visualizing Values and the Role of Pop Culture
Grade Level
High School
Students will be able to
- Analyze primary source images using analysis strategies
- Identify and describe the historical context of an image
- Identify and describe the evidence in an image
- Interpret meaning based on direct evidence found in an image
- Evaluate and group documents based on shared categories
- Collaborate effectively to develop and express positions and viewpoints
The Origins of US Cold War Fears, 1946–1961
Grade Level
High School
Students will be able to
- Analyze primary source documents using close-reading strategies
- Identify and describe the historical context and main points of a document
- Identify and describe the point of view and purpose of a document
- Draw conclusions based on direct evidence found in the text
- Evaluate and group documents based on shared categories
- Collaborate effectively with classmates to develop and express positions and viewpoints