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National Politics: Asia
From democratic backsliding to reform, learn about the issues and trends shaping ten countries today.

What Is Fascism?
In this free resource, learn how Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler rose to power and the lessons their political journeys hold for today.

National Politics: Europe and Eurasia
From the ongoing migrant crisis to the pros and cons of EU membership, learn about the issues and trends shaping ten countries today.

What Is the National Security Council?
Learn how the president’s advisors protect U.S. national security and help with foreign policy decision-making and coordination across the executive branch.

National Politics: Middle East and North Africa
From press freedom to reform, learn about the issues shaping ten countries today.

Asylum Seekers at the U.S. Southern Border in 2019 (NSC)
Set in 2019. Violence, instability, and poverty in the northern triangle have increased asylum seekers in the United States.

Laws, Norms, and Democratic Backsliding
Are countries less democratic than they used to be? Learn how democratic principles like checks and balances, free elections, and freedom of the press are under threat around the world.

What Are Different Types of Government?
Learn about different forms of government—including democracy, authoritarian rule, and monarchy—and how their distinctions aren't always so clear.

Geopolitics: Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan African countries hold roughly 25 percent of the seats in the UN General Assembly, making the region’s voice important on global issues such as climate change and drug trafficking.

What Is Government?
From direct and parliamentary democracy to authoritarianism, learn how rulers take power—and who decides.