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Six Essential International Organizations You Need to Know
Learn about the most prominent international organizations tackling the world’s biggest issues in this free resource.

The Marshall Plan
Understand how the Marshall Plan, one of the first large foreign aid programs, helped Europe rebuild after World War II, but also served the foreign policy interests of the United States.

Two Hundred Years of Global Communications
From the printing press to Instagram, technological advances shape how people communicate.

What Is Economic Statecraft?
Learn why China lends billions of dollars abroad each year through its Belt and Road Initiative and the implications of that free resource for recipient countries.

What Is Trade Policy?
In this free resource on trade policy, explore how countries leverage their economic power to advance their foreign policy interests.

What Is Cryptocurrency?
Explore digital currency's uses and abuses in society.

Understanding Currencies and Exchange Rates
Supply and demand influence how much a currency is worth. Learn how exchange rates affect producers and consumers.

How Did Mass Production and Mass Consumption Take Off After World War II?
Discover how consumer goods have become cheap and ubiquitous in the global era.

Big in China: The Global Market for Hollywood Movies
Hollywood’s relationship with the Chinese market—and its gatekeepers, Chinese government censors—is changing the way movies are made and promoted.

What Is Globalization?
Explore examples of globalization to understand the benefits and challenges of our increasingly interconnected world in this video.