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Drones in Pakistan in 2011 (NSC)
Set in Spring 2011. The United States has the opportunity to eliminate or capture a senior al-Qaeda leader in Pakistan.

Korean War in 1950 (NSC)
Set in September 1950. Five years after World War II, the Korean Peninsula is under threat of falling to a communist regime.

Global Terrorism Trends
Explore terrorism trends through five data charts that help show the threat of terrorism around the world and how it has changed over time.

What the World’s Terrorist Groups Have in Common
From the KKK to al-Qaeda, learn how strong ideology motivates terrorist groups to commit violence, no matter their goals.

Tools of Counterterrorism
What is counterterrorism? Learn how governments try to prevent terrorist attacks in this video on terrorism.

What are Cyberspace and Cybersecurity?
Explore the origins of the internet and the challenges that will define its future.

The Growing Threat of Cyberattacks
The Stuxnet worm is only the beginning.

The Terrorist Money Trail
How do terrorists get funding? Learn about the challenges of targeting the finances of terrorist groups in this free resource on terrorism.

What Is Arms Control?
In this free resource on arms control agreements, learn how countries try to regulate the world’s most powerful weapons through foreign policy.

What Is Peacekeeping?
In this free resource on the successes and failures of peacekeeping, learn about the UN missions tasked with transitioning countries out of war.