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What Is the National Security Council?
Learn how the president’s advisors protect U.S. national security and help with foreign policy decision-making and coordination across the executive branch.

Laws, Norms, and Democratic Backsliding
Are countries less democratic than they used to be? Learn how democratic principles like checks and balances, free elections, and freedom of the press are under threat around the world.

The 1900 McKinley vs. Bryan Election and U.S. Strategy in the Pacific Today
War in the Philippines signaled a new era for American foreign policy—and sharply divided the American people.

The 1880 Garfield vs. Hancock Election and Immigration Today
A forged letter on the eve of the election ignited riots over immigration, using rhetoric still common now.

The 1828 Jackson vs. Adams Election and Tariffs Today
Dirty politics and the “tariff of abominations” divided American voters—and set the stage for years of economic debate.

The 1808 Madison vs. Pinckney Election and Isolationism Today
President Jefferson’s contentious Embargo Act divided Americans at the polls—and raised ongoing questions about America’s role in the world.

Foreign Policy on the Ballot: Historical Cases
Explore past election-year foreign policy debates to see how they relate to the 2024 election.

What Roles Do Congress and the President Play in U.S. Foreign Policy?
What does the Constitution say about foreign policy? In this free resource, explore how the powers of Congress and the president protect and advance the country’s interests abroad.

Opposing Communism in 1947
How should the United States support Greece in its fight against communist rebels? Explore this simulation set in 1947.