Regions of the World

Geopolitics: Europe
In the aftermath of the Cold War, East-West relations had a chance at a reset.
U.S. Foreign Policy: Europe
In his 1796 farewell address, President George Washington cautioned the United States to steer clear of foreign entanglements.
People and Society: Europe
Europe has a reputation for its high living standards, given its wealth, promotion of human rights, commitment to social spending, and democratic institutions.
Politics: Europe
Europe’s claims on liberal, democratic traditions date back centuries.
Economics: Europe
As in other regions, certain European countries belong to an economic or customs union—a “single market”—that makes trade between its members seamless. 

Learning Journeys

A learning journey is a student facing, curated collection of resources that explore a topic from a specific perspective.

Learning Journey
Europe: The Essentials

Explore this collection of learning resources to better understand the history, people, and politics of Europe.

Learning Journey
The Americas: Essentials

Explore this collection of learning resources to better understand the history, people, and politics of the Americas.