South and Central Asia

Learning Objectives

  • Students will be able to describe the political, social, economic, and geopolitical systems that characterize South and Central Asia.
  • Students will understand how global powers wield influence on countries in the region.
Two 45-minute periods
Grade Level
High School


  • Students will read the section entitled Modern History from South & Central Asia and complete the worksheet below.

Class One

  1. (5 minutes) Debrief Homework: Have students share their homework responses in small groups.
  2. (10 minutes) Warm Up: Give students the attached blank map of South and Central Asia. Have students work in small groups to fill in as many country names as possible. When students have finished, show this map labeled with country names and ask students the following questions to activate prior knowledge and spark curiosity.
    • Referencing the map, what comes to mind when you think of South and Central Asia? What do you associate with the region in terms of language, food, religion, climate, government, etc?
    • What major historical events have taken place in the region?
    • What major current events are currently taking place in the region?
    • What questions do you have about South and Central Asia?
  3. (20 minutes) Group Work: Have students use their assigned section from Regions of the World: South & Central Asia to complete the corresponding section of the attached worksheet. When finished, students will share and write down other students’ takeaways to complete their worksheets. Assign students to the following groups:
    • People and Society
    • Politics
    • Economics
    • Geopolitics
    • U.S. Foreign Policy
  4. (10 minutes) Discussion: Lead a discussion that highlights positive trends in the region as well as some of the challenges that the region faces. Use the following questions as guidance.
    • What are some positive trends seen in South and Central Asian countries?
    • How are the countries of South and Central Asia working to improve the quality of life of their citizens?
    • What are the greatest challenges faced by South and Central Asia?
    • How are governments responding to these challenges?
    • Transition the class to tomorrow’s topic by asking students to consider the immense diversity in religion, ethnicity, and language that characterizes the region.



  • Have students briefly respond to the following: What challenges does diversity in religion and language bring to countries in South and Central Asia? What strengths does diversity in language and religion bring to the region?

Class Two

  1. (10 minutes) Debrief Homework: Have students share their reflections from last night’s homework with a partner and then to the class. Highlight that all regions of the world experience diversity. Ask students the following questions: What forms of diversity do you see in your country? What challenges does this diversity bring? What strengths?
  2. (15 minutes) Group Work: Each student should fill out the attached worksheet with information relevant from their page, then share their takeaways with the rest of their group in the order listed above. Put together, students’ responses should provide a chronological background of the conflict between India and Pakistan. Put students in the following groups:
    • East India Company
    • Rebellion
    • Colonialism
    • Pakistan
    • India-Pakistan Antagonism
    • Kashmir
    • Bangladesh
  3. (10 minutes) Class Discussion: Have students silently read the page Hindu Nationalism Challenges a Secular India. As a class, discuss the following:
    • What was the original intent of the Indian constitution when it came to diversity and multiculturalism?
    • How and why has that intent changed over time?
    • What effect do these changes have on populations in India?
  4. (10 minutes) Homework Prep: Have students use the worksheet below to brainstorm a recommended plan of action for the scenario presented. They can work individually or consult with a neighbor.


  • Have students write a brief response for the scenario discussed during class using the following prompt: The majority group in your country is advocating that its language and religion become the official language and religion of the country. However, your country also has several minority groups that have their own languages and religions. Should your government create laws that unify the government around the demands of the majority group? Or should it create laws that emphasize respecting minority rights?