Climate Change: Actions
Learning Objectives
- Students will learn about methods being used to address climate change such as the use of AI as well as the Inflation Reduction Act.
One 45-minute period
Grade Level
High School
- (5 Minutes) - Think/ Pair/Share: Have students brainstorm what they know about AI. Pair with neighbors to talk about AI and how they think it could be used to help mitigate climate change. Share ideas as a class.
- (20 Minutes) Guided Reading: Have students complete the guided reading handout by using How Can Artificial Intelligence Combat Climate Change? and the section on the Inflation Reduction Act.
- (10 Minutes) Discuss
- Ask - (Guided Reading Handout) How might AI be used to help mitigate climate change? How might it be used in your daily life? How could AI accelerate climate change?
- Ask -(Guided Reading Handout) What are some of the ways that the Inflation Reduction Act seeks to mitigate climate change? How does the IRA plan to use money to fight climate change?
- (10 Minutes) Have students begin research and take notes about how AI can help address climate change (or slow global warming). Students should find articles and/ or YouTube videos. Students can use notes from the reading.
- Have students complete their research notes about how AI can help humans address climate change. Students should be prepared to share their notes and takeaways during the next class.
- Potential Guiding Questions: Should governments invest in AI as a means to address climate change? How can AI be used to help address climate change? What aspects seem the most promising in using AI to address climate change? What are some challenges or concerns about using AI to address climate change? Are there better ways to address climate change?