Global Governance Higher Education Questions

Help students understand the international institutions that are designed to promote peace and prosperity through these essay and discussion questions.

Question 1

What is the liberal world order? What does it mean to say the liberal world order is liberal and an order? What institutions help support the liberal world order? In what specific ways did the United States promote the liberal world order following World War II? Why did the Soviet Union resist the liberal world order? To what extent do you agree with the statement “only the United States can renew the liberal world order”? 

  • Why has the liberal world order weakened in recent years? Provide specific examples since 2000.
  • How did the liberal world order factor into the Cold War? What happened when the Soviet Union collapsed?

Question 2

What role does the UN Security Council play in maintaining international security? How does the UN Security Council (UNSC) authorize action? By providing specific examples, discuss the extent to which the UNSC has been successful in responding to international crises. What is the impact of the UNSC’s current veto power process? How have rival powers used their veto power to prevent action? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the UNSC veto as it relates to carrying out its mission of maintaining international peace and security. Overall, how effective is the UN Security Council?

  • Which countries serve as permanent members of the UNSC holding veto power?
  • What powers does the UN have to address security issues?
  • What limitations does the UN face in addressing security issues?
  • Does the Security Council need to be reformed? What are some of the suggestions for UN Security Council reform?

Question 3

What are the foundations of international law? What are some of the key international agreements that shape the international legal order? Why is international law more difficult to enforce than national law? Assess the strengths and weaknesses of three international courts: International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, and the European Court of Human Rights.

  • What is a treaty, and how are treaties enacted?
  • Who enforces international law?
  • Why do countries violate international law?
  • What factor does sovereignty play when considering international law?

Question 4

How is global finance governed? What is the purpose of the World Bank? Assess the effectiveness of the World Bank by providing specific examples. How does the International Monetary Fund (IMF) attempt to maintain global financial stability? How did the response of the IMF to the 2008 financial crisis highlight some of the advantages and disadvantages of the organization? To what extent have the World Bank and the IMF been forces for good in the world?

  • How is the World Bank funded?
  • Why do some countries prefer loans from banks or governments rather than from the IMF?
  • What are the differences between the World Bank and the IMF?

Question 5

What role does the World Trade Organization play in promoting the liberal world order? What are some of the benefits and challenges of free trade? What are some general types of interference that governments put on free trade? Why? Assess the successes and shortcomings of the WTO in benefiting the world economy. Cite specific examples. What reforms are needed to establish the power of the WTO to tackle modern challenges?

  • In what ways have Regional Trade Agreements undermined the power of the WTO to regulate trade?
  • What is the future of the WTO?

Question 6

In what ways does the World Health Organization (WHO) seek to improve global health outcomes? In addition to country-specific challenges, what are some of the major international health crisis responses that the WHO has helped coordinate? To what extent has the WHO been a success in addressing these crises? Assess the threats to the WHO’s legitimacy and power to address concerns related to global health.

  • How does the WHO gain funds?
  • To what degree did the COVID-19 pandemic expose weaknesses or strengths in current global health governance?
  • What are some of the major threats to global health that will require coordination now and in the future?