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Geopolitics: South & Central Asia
The long tensions between India and Pakistan, involvement of foreign powers, and climate change shape geopolitics in the region.

Economics: South & Central Asia
Recent growth has spurred new development, but also revealed old and new economic challenges.

People and Society: South & Central Asia
South Asia is densely populated and immensely diverse.

South & Central Asia: The Essentials
Explore this collection of learning resources to better understand the history, people, and politics of South and Central Asia.
South & Central Asia
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to describe the political, social, economic, and geopolitical systems that characterize South and Central Asia.
- Students will understand how global powers wield influence on countries in the region.
South & Central Asia High School Questions
Grade Level
High School
Help students understand South and Central Asia through these essay and discussion questions.
South & Central Asia Higher Education Questions
Grade Level
Help students understand South and Central Asia through these essay and discussion questions.