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For the first time in recorded history, bacteria, viruses, and other plagues and pestilence do not cause the majority of deaths or disabilities in any region of the world. Curbing infectious diseases has extended lives and prevented child deaths in poor societies, but also brought new and unexpected challenges—like rising youth unemployment, overcrowded and underbuilt cities, and surging rates of premature chronic diseases—that many nations are unprepared to handle. In Plagues and the Paradox of Progress, Thomas J. Bollyky traces the rise and fall of infectious disease in human history and the challenges and opportunities that unprecedented health achievements pose for our future.

In this book, CFR Adjunct Senior Fellow Rachel Bronson presents the first full history of the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia, revealing why the alliance was formed and what we stand to lose if it collapses. Teaching notes by the author.

Solar energy, the world’s cheapest and fastest-growing power source, could one day supply most of the world’s energy needs. In Taming the Sun, however, Varun Sivaram warns that solar’s current surge is on track to stall, dimming prospects for averting catastrophic climate change. Brightening those prospects, he argues, will require innovation—creative financing, revolutionary technologies, and flexible energy systems.

In this book, CFR Senior Fellow Michael A. Levi combines on-the-ground reporting with in-depth analysis to illuminate what’s really happening as the fracking industry takes root. Teaching notes by the author.

How should the United States address a deadly pandemic during World War I? Explore this historical simulation set in 1918.

Learn how COVID revealed the strengths and failures of vaccine development, foreign policy, and the U.S. healthcare system.

Explore this collection of learning resources to understand the threats and challenges to global health.

Explore this collection of learning resources to understand the different policy options that exist to address both infectious and noncommunicable diseases.
Help students understand the threats and challenges to global health through these essay and discussion questions.
Help students understand the threats and challenges to global health through these essay and discussion questions.