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What Is the National Security Council?
Learn how the president’s advisors protect U.S. national security and help with foreign policy decision-making and coordination across the executive branch.

Asylum Seekers at the U.S. Southern Border in 2019 (NSC)
Set in 2019. Violence, instability, and poverty in the northern triangle have increased asylum seekers in the United States.

Laws, Norms, and Democratic Backsliding
Are countries less democratic than they used to be? Learn how democratic principles like checks and balances, free elections, and freedom of the press are under threat around the world.

What Are Different Types of Government?
Learn about different forms of government—including democracy, authoritarian rule, and monarchy—and how their distinctions aren't always so clear.

Preparing for and Managing the Next Pandemic
What should the United States do to secure global health preparedness before the next pandemic? Explore this simulation.

It Takes a Village to Make Your Medicine
Follow the global supply chain across borders and into your pill bottle.

What Is Global Health?
We have made advances in global health, but we face challenges from new disease trends—and need funding to treat them.

Global Health Then and Now
The world has become healthier over the past few centuries, but new challenges are on the horizon.

The Rising Tide of Diabetes in Mexico
As noncommunicable diseases become more prevalent, Mexico is coming up with innovative ideas to fight the problem.

Noncommunicable Diseases and How They Are Measured
How to track and understand the world’s leading causes of death.