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Two Hundred Years of Global Communications
From the printing press to Instagram, technological advances shape how people communicate.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Timeline
Explore the history and important events behind the long-standing Middle East conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians from 1947 to today.

Essential Events Between 1900 and 1945
Learn how two world wars and other major historical developments from the Spanish-American War to World War II reshaped global affairs in the first half of the twentieth century.

The History of Nuclear Proliferation
What are the most significant attempts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and have they succeeded? Explore this timeline, from the first atomic bomb to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The Origins of the Internet
The internet evolved from a niche government tool to a nearly universal platform for communications and entertainment.

The Rise and Fall of the Responsibility to Protect
Sovereignty is sacred. But when lives are in danger, does that principle still apply?

NATO: The World’s Largest Alliance
What is NATO? Trace NATO’s history and learn how the organization’s mission has evolved over seventy-five years, from the end of World War II to Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The History of Terrorism and U.S. Counterterrorism Since 1945
From the creation of the CIA to the “War on Terror,” learn about the evolution of U.S. counterterrorism policies in this terrorism timeline.