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Climate Change Adaptations
Explore how eleven countries are adapting to the effects of climate change in this free resource.

Who Is Responsible for Climate Change?
Why do developed and developing countries disagree about who is responsible for climate change? Explore the history of industrialization and its impacts on climate in this video.

Climate Change and the Coffee Industry
In this educational video, learn how climate change's effects on agriculture can have serious economic consequences for the world.

Why Scientists Are Watching Greenland
In this free climate change resource, learn why melting ice in Greenland is causing global sea level rise.

The Greenhouse Effect
How do greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming? Learn why the world is getting warmer in this free climate change resource.

What Is Water Scarcity?
Is there a global water crisis? In this free resource, learn how climate change is causing water scarcity to worsen worldwide.

How Do Governments Combat Climate Change?
In this free resource, explore seven ways countries are responding to a changing environment, from cap and trade policies to clean energy standards.

How Can AI Combat Climate Change?
In this free climate change resource, learn how AI is helping countries reduce carbon emissions, but some innovations could ultimately contribute to a warming planet.

The Inflation Reduction Act
What is the IRA? In this free resource, learn what the United States' largest-ever climate change legislation does.

How Are International Agreements Helping Fight Global Warming?
Explore the challenges facing international cooperation and the major treaties where the world has agreed to work together.