The History of Nuclear Proliferation
What are the most significant attempts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and have they succeeded? Explore this timeline, from the first atomic bomb to Russia’s war in Ukraine.
Nuclear weapons pose an enormous threat to humanity. Since their first use, different leaders and organizations have been trying to prevent proliferation to additional countries. Despite their efforts, more states than ever before have obtained nuclear weapons. This timeline explores some of the critical actions and decisions that led to today’s distribution of those weapons and the world’s non-proliferation regime.
Timeline: Nuclear Proliferation
The Nuclear Age Begins
First Atomic Bombs Are Dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
IAEA Is Created
Kyshtym Nuclear Disaster Occurs In Secret
The Cuban Missile Crisis Threatens Nuclear War
Nuclear Nonproliferation Goes Global
First Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Is Established
First International Treaty to Prevent Spread of Nuclear Weapons Is Signed
SALT I Treaty Is Signed
India Joins the Nuclear Club
End of the Cold War Improves Nonproliferation Efforts
Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine Give Up Nuclear Weapons
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Opens for Signatures
The IAEA’s Model Additional Protocol is Introduced
Progress and Threats
North Korea Withdraws From the Nonproliferation Treaty
North Korea Walks Out of Six Party Talks
World Powers Reach a Nuclear Agreement With Iran
The United Nations Adopts Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
Russia Invades Ukraine