Thu, 06/08/2017 - 15:49 AMartinez
The Google logo is seen outside the company headquarters in Mountain View, California, on August 18, 2004.
Clay McLachlan/Reuters

Google’s official launch in 1998 altered the digital landscape with its ability to search for and identify information on the internet in less than a second—so much so that “google” eventually became a verb in the English language synonymous with “search.” Over the years, the number of Google searches has consistently increased—in 2016, the company fielded trillions of searches—with many conducted on mobile phones. Google is so ubiquitous, in fact, that when, in 2013, Google’s server crashed for five minutes, total internet traffic decreased by 40 percent. And Google has expanded beyond its search engine. Google-owned products such as Gmail, Google Maps, and YouTube provide communications, navigation, and entertainment services to billions of people.