Regions of the World

Economics: Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa sustained rapid economic growth and investment in the early 2000s, a period dubbed by some experts as Africa Rising.
Politics: Sub-Saharan Africa
By the late 1990s, most countries in the region had transitioned from being European colonies to becoming independent countries.
Modern History: Sub-Saharan Africa
For centuries, sub-Saharan Africa was home to prosperous empires that made groundbreaking advances in architecture, mathematics, and metalworking.
Geopolitics: Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan African countries hold roughly 25 percent of the seats in the UN General Assembly, making the region’s voice important on global issues such as climate change and drug trafficking. 

Learning Journeys

A learning journey is a student facing, curated collection of resources that explore a topic from a specific perspective.

Learning Journey
Europe: The Essentials

Explore this collection of learning resources to better understand the history, people, and politics of Europe.

Learning Journey
The Americas: Essentials

Explore this collection of learning resources to better understand the history, people, and politics of the Americas.