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Who Releases the Most Greenhouse Gases
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to compare and contrast different ways of measuring greenhouse gas emissions
- Students will be able to construct an argument about responsibility for climate change grounded in data about emissions
Climate Change and Infectious Diseases
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to identify the wide range of ways in which climate change is affecting our health
- Students will be able to articulate how these effects can be addressed
Solar Geoengineering Mini Simulation Activity
Two class periods
Learning Objectives
Students will evaluate the implications of climate change and geoengineering through the lens of the U.S. National Security Council.
Climate Change: Introduction
Grade Level
High School
- Students will understand how the greenhouse effect functions and how it is pushing the earth toward tipping points.
Climate Prompts: Fact or Fiction?
Learning Objectives
Students will examine and compare their current understandings of climate change in this introductory activity to the topic.
Climate Change: Mitigation
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to categorize the various ways in which human activity causes climate change, and analyze the potential for mitigating those effects.
Climate Change: Coffee and Costs
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to articulate the costs of climate change to the economy and to food and water security.
- Students will be able to identify some of the impacts of climate change in their own community.
Create a Mitigation Awareness Video
One 60-90 minute class period
Learning Objectives
Students will work together to design and film public-facing awareness videos regarding greenhouse gas emissions and opportunities for greenhouse gas mitigation.
Climate Change: Policy
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to articulate the debate over who should be responsible for combating climate change
- Students will be able to identify how the Paris Agreement addresses this question, and the benefits and drawbacks of that approach
- Students will be able to identify some of the ways in which countries are combating climate change
Climate Change: Effects
Grade Level
High School
- Students will be able to identify some of the effects of climate change on their own communities and on communities around the world.